14578 - Same tree   


You are given two rooted binary trees, $X$ and $Y$, in a special format, each with $N$ vertices, numbered from $0$ to $N-1$. The format is described by the following EBNF (Extended Backus–Naur form):

The tree $X$: TREE ::= '(' INT '/' TREE '/' TREE ')' | NIL
The tree $Y$: TREE ::= INT '(' TREE ')' '(' TREE ')' | NIL

It means that a tree is a integer followed by two subtrees or a NIL. The integer represents which vertex the root of the tree is. If the tree is a NIL, it means that the tree is empty.

Two binary trees are considered identical if and only if:

  1. Both trees are empty (NIL), or
  2. Both trees have roots, and:
    • Their root values are equal AND
    • Their left subtrees are identical AND
    • Their right subtrees are identical

Here is a example. In the following figure, tree (a) will be represented as (2/(1//)/(0//)) and 2(1()())(0()()),
tree (b) as (2/(0//)/(1//)) and 2(0()())(1()()), and they are NOT identical.


Input contains three lines. The first line contains an integer $N$, the number of vertices in each tree.

For the following two lines, each line contains a string, representing tree $X$ and $Y$ respectively in the EBNF format.


  • $1 \leq N \leq 10^5$
  • Length of $X$ and $Y$ won't exceed $10^6$
  • $X$ only contain character '(', ')', '/' and digit.
  • $Y$ only contain character '(', ')' and digit.


If the two trees are identical, output "YES", otherwise output "NO" (without quote)

Noted that you should output one single line.

Sample Input  Download

Sample Output  Download
