You are given two rooted binary trees, $X$ and $Y$, in a special format, each with $N$ vertices, numbered from $0$ to $N-1$. The format is described by the following EBNF (Extended Backus–Naur form):
The tree $X$: TREE ::= '(' INT '/' TREE '/' TREE ')' | NIL
The tree $Y$: TREE ::= INT '(' TREE ')' '(' TREE ')' | NIL
It means that a tree is a integer followed by two subtrees or a NIL. The integer represents which vertex the root of the tree is. If the tree is a NIL, it means that the tree is empty.
Two binary trees are considered identical if and only if:
Here is a example. In the following figure, tree (a) will be represented as (2/(1//)/(0//))
and 2(1()())(0()())
tree (b) as (2/(0//)/(1//))
and 2(0()())(1()())
, and they are NOT identical.
Input contains three lines. The first line contains an integer $N$, the number of vertices in each tree.
For the following two lines, each line contains a string, representing tree $X$ and $Y$ respectively in the EBNF format.
, ')'
, '/'
and digit.'('
, ')'
and digit.If the two trees are identical, output "YES", otherwise output "NO" (without quote)
Noted that you should output one single line.