14312 - Movie Rating System   


Write a simple movie rating system that records users' ratings for different movies and can query the average rating for a specific movie.


Hint: You can use "in" to tell if the new movie name is in the dictionary or not.


This is the document of dictionary: https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/datastructures.html#dictionaries


Given a list of movies and the score of the movie.

Each line is the movie name and the score, separated by a space.

You will not know the number of movies.

The score will be between 1 to 100, the length of a movie name will be between 2 to 10 and all in lowercase alphabet.


Please output the movie name that has the highest average score.

The average score should be rounded down to the nearest whole digit.

There is only one possible answer.

Sample Input  Download

Sample Output  Download

