14306 - The Mystical Bridge of Wasai   


In the mystical land of Wasai, there is a bridge that possesses extraordinary properties. This bridge allows only one person to cross at a time and has a unique height restriction: only those whose height does not exceed the average height of all individuals can pass.

Now, given the heights of a group of people, your task is to mark who can and cannot pass the bridge, using 1 and 0 to denote their eligibility.


The input consists of multiple lines, each containing an integer representing the height of a person.

  • Each height is between 1 to 200.
  • There is at least 1 person.


Output each person's eligibility corresponding to the order of input heights on a separate line:

  • Output 1 if the person can pass.
  • Output 0 if the person cannot pass.

Note: A person whose height equals the average height is also considered unable to pass.

Sample Input  Download

Sample Output  Download

