14290 - 2024_IDS_Spring_Lab6_Calculator   


You have an arithmetic expression that contains at most 5 variables A - E , binary operators '+', '-', '*', '/', where the '/' denotes integer division, and brackets '(', ')'.  Given the values for the variables, please calculate the answer.

Note: Here we define integer division as the integer part of division (not rounding down).  For example, 8 divided by 7 under division is 1.1428..., so 8 divided by 7 under integer division will be 1.  -8 divided by 7 is -1.1428..., so -8 divided by 7 under integer division will be -1 (instead of -2).


The first line is the arithmetic expression.

The second line is an integer T.

In the following T lines, each line has 5 integers: the values for variable A to E.


- 1 <= T <= 10
- Length of arithmetic expression <= 200,000
- -1,000,000,000 <= The intermediate values during calculation <= 1,000,000,000
- Division by zero will not happen during calculation


Output T lines, each line is the answer to a set of values for variable A to E.

Output Format

There's no \n on the last output line!

[Answer 1]\n

[Answer 2]\n


[Answer T]

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Sample Output  Download


