837 - I2P(I)2015_Lee_Mid_1 Scoreboard


2015/10/29 13:20:00 2015/10/29 15:20:00


# Problem Asker Description Reply Replier Reply Time For all team

# Problem Pass Rate (passed user / total user)
10777 Exam Seat Arrangement
10781 Two dimensional array rotation (counterclockwise)
10784 The number of occurrences

10777 - Exam Seat Arrangement   


Students are asked to take seats arranged by TAs in an exam.  The seats in the classroom are in M rows and N columns.  Each seat assignment has three numbers: row ID, column ID, and student ID.  Based on those information, print the final seat assignment in the classroom.


For example, suppose the classroom has seats in 4 rows by 2 columns, and three students attend the exam, whose IDs are 104062997, 104062998, and 104062999.  The input will be like

4 2 3

1 2 104062999

3 1 104062997

4 2 104062998

The first two number means there are 4 rows by 2 columns seats in the classroom, and there are 3 students in the exam.  Student 104062999 is sited in the row 1 and column 2; student 104062997 is sited in the row 3 and column 1; and student 104062998 is sited in the row 4 and column 2.  The seat arrangement is given below



Your output should be

                 0  104062999

                 0                  0

 104062997                  0

                 0  104062998


If a seat is not assigned to any student, your output should print 0.  Since the student ID has 9 digits, each number in the output takes 9 digits space.


The first line of the input has three numbers: rows of the classroom M, columns of the classroom N and the number of attendees K. Each of the following K lines contains three integers: row number, column number, and student ID. Row number starts from 1 to M, column number starts from 1 to N. 0 < M, N < 40.


M rows, each row has N numbers. Each number takes 9-digit space, neighboring numbers are separated by a space. And there is a ‘\n’ at the end of each line.

Sample Input  Download

Sample Output  Download




10781 - Two dimensional array rotation (counterclockwise)   


Given an NxN two-dimensional array M, you are asked to rotate M counterclockwise by 45 degrees and print out the content of M.

Consider the following 2D array:

After being rotated 45 degrees counterclockwise, it will become:

In this case, you should print:


2 6

1 5 9

4 8



The first line has N (2<=N<=100), which means the size of the 2D array. The total number of elements in the 2D array is thus N x N.

For the next N lines, each contains N integers, specifying the elements of the 2D array. All of the integers in the same line are separated by a space.


Print out all elements of the rotated 2D array row-by-row.

All of the integers in the same line are separated by a space, and there is a '\n' at the end of each line.

Sample Input  Download

Sample Output  Download




10784 - The number of occurrences   


Given a string A and a string B, count the number of occurrences of string A in B . All of the strings contain only characters.


For example, if A is “ab”  and B is "abflskuab"

then your answer should be 2 because A appears in “abflskuab”  two times.


Note that if A is “aa” and B is “aaaa”, the number of occurrences of A in B is counted as 3.

You may assume string B is always longer than string A.


The first line of the input is the string A (length of A = 2). The second line is the string B(2 <= length of B <= 9).


The number of occurrences of A appears in B. Note that you DO NOT need to print ‘\n’ at the end of the output.

Sample Input  Download

Sample Output  Download


