3160 - CS2351_DS_25Spring_HW0 Scoreboard


2025/02/27 10:00:00 2025/03/13 12:00:00


# Problem Asker Description Reply Replier Reply Time For all team

# Problem Pass Rate (passed user / total user)
12687 Steal the most value

12687 - Steal the most value   


You are a theif sneaking into a house that contains N items. You carry a bag and want to steal some valuable items from the house. Unfortunately, your bag can hold at most K kilograms. As a smart theif, you know exactly the value Vi and the weight Wi of each item.
Since your bag is not strong enough to carry over the limit of K (the sum of weight Wi you carry must be less then K).
What is the highest value you can carry out from this house?


The first line contains two integers N and K, representing the number of items in the house and how much can the bag hold.

Each of the following N lines contain two integers Vi and Wi, describing the value and weight of the i-th item.

It is guaranteed that :

  • 0 ≤ Vi, Wi ≤ 103
  • For test case #1~9: 1 N 20, 0 K 103
  • For test case #10: 1 N 100, 0 K 103


Print the most value the thief can get.

(you need to print a newline '\n' right following your answer)

For the sample test case, we can choose the third item (6,3) and the fifth (5,4) item. The maximum value the thief can get would be 11.

Sample Input  Download

Sample Output  Download
