# | Problem | Pass Rate (passed user / total user) |
13086 | Golden Ratio Overheat |
14550 | Magical Corridor |
Last Pokemon Contest (神奇寶貝華麗大賽) between Satoshi (小智) and Haruka (小遙) ! After Satoshi won the victory in Battle Pyramid, Satoshi and Haruka signed up for an unofficial Pokemon Contest in Terracotta Town.
Pokemon Contest is a contest in which trainers and Pokemons coordinate strength and beauty. It is divided into two stages. In the first stage, the Performance Stage, trainers and their Pokemons will perform moves to showcase their styles and skills. In the second stage, the Battle Stage, trainers battles against each other as well as demonstrating charm of their Pokemons.
Satoshi and Haruka met in the Battle stage, where Satoshi's Sceptile (蜥蜴王) fought against Haruka's Blaziken (火焰雞). In the final ten seconds of the battle, Haruka's Blaziken activates Blaze (猛火) and fires Overheat (過熱). To battle in a dazzling style, the pattern of Overheat is cleverly designed with golden ratio:
The pattern of Overheat can be expressed with a string. First, Haruka and Blaziken design two short patterns F0 and F1. Then they generate longer patterns using the following recurrence formula: Fn-2 + Fn-1 = Fn (+ means string concatenation). Finally, Haruka tells Blaziken a number n, and Blaziken fires the Overheat with pattern Fn.
Given F0, F1, n, and k, please find out the k-th character in Fn.
For full episode, please google "AG191 Satoshi vs. Haruka! Last Battle!!" or refer to this page.
Explanation on Sample IO
All test data provide same F0 = "abc", F1 = "def". We can generate the following patterns:
F2 = "abcdef"
F3 = "defabcdef"
F4 = "abcdefdefabcdef"
The first test data asks 0-th character of F0, therefore output 'a'. Similarly, the outputs for the second to fifth test data are 'd', 'f', 'f', 'e', respectively.
The input contains multiple test data. The first line of input contains an integer T, being number of test data. After that are T test data.
The first line of test data contains two non-empty strings F0 and F1.
The second line of test data contains two integers n and k.
1 <= T <= 100
F0 and F1 contain only lower case alphabets (
) and have length no greater than 2000. -
0 <= n < 60 and 0 <= k < |Fn|, where |Fn| is length of Fn
For each test data, output the answer in a single line. Remember to add new line in the end.
Sample Input Download
Sample Output Download
The wicked sorcerer KenKenKen is hot on your trail, casting spells to trap you. To escape his grasp, you must navigate the mysterious Magical Corridor.
This corridor has N positions, numbered from 1 to N, each holding a gem with a color Ci and a weight Wi.
To escape, you must collect gems along the way, but your movement is restricted by magical rules:
- If you are currently at position i, you can only move to positions that are multiples of i. For example, if you are at position 1, you can move to positions 2,3,…,N. From position 2, you can only move to positions 4,6,…
The only way to open the magical exit and escape the corridor is to meet the following condition:
- For a given position m, collect as many distinct gem colors as possible.
- Among all collections with the maximum number of distinct colors, maximize the total weight of the gems you collect.
- However, because KenKenKen 's cursed, your bag can only hold one gem of each color, you are limited to carrying at most one gem of each color.
The first line contains two integers N and Q, the length of the corridor and the number of queries.
The second line contains N integers C1,C2,...,CN , where Ci represents the color of the gem at position i.
The third line contains N integers W1,W2,...,WN , where Wi represents the weight of the gem at position i.
The next Q lines each contain a single integer m, specifying the endpoint for each query.
- 1 ≤ N,Q ≤ 105
- 1 ≤ Ci ≤ 7
- 1 ≤ Wi ≤ 105
- 1 ≤ m ≤ N
- Testcases 1~2: N,Q ≤ 10
- Testcases 3~4: N ≤ 104 , Ci = 1
- Testcases 5~6: N ≤ 104 , Wi = 1
- Testcases 7~8: N ≤ 104 , Q = 1
- Testcases 9~10: No additional restrictions.
For each query, output two integers in a single line:
- The maximum number of distinct gem colors you can collect up to position m.
- The maximum total weight of the gems you can collect, with the maximum number of distinct gem colors, up to position m.
Please remember to print "\n" at the end of each line.