3011 - 2024GEC1506 - HW5 Scoreboard


2024/05/14 09:00:00 2024/05/26 23:59:00


# Problem Asker Description Reply Replier Reply Time For all team
1 14329 - Decoding 112006303 Does the encoding rule match the example encoding? There was a problem so I changed the rules! GEC_1506_Jessie 2024/05/21 09:41:37

# Problem Pass Rate (passed user / total user)
14329 Decoding
14330 Book Tracker

14329 - Decoding   


In this problem, you will learn how to encode and decode text using a frequency-based encoding rule. You will first create an encoding scheme based on the frequency of characters in a given text, and then use this scheme to decode a given encoded message.


  • Characters should be converted to lower-case using the built-in function .lower().
  • Consider spaces (' ') when counting character frequencies.


  • A string text (1 <= len(text) <= 10^4): represents the text to learn the encoding rule.
  • A string message (1 <= len(message) <= 10^5): represents the message to be decoded.

Example Input:

Hello Jessie



Decode the encoded message using the encoding scheme generated from the first line of the input text.

Encoding Rule:

  • Count the frequency of each character in the text.
  • Sort the characters in descending order based on their frequency. If multiple characters have the same frequency, maintain their order of occurrence.
  • Encode the most frequent character with '0'.
  • For each subsequent character, add a '1' to the left of the previous character's encoding.

Example Encoding:

'e': 3 times -> '0'
'l': 2 times -> '10'
's': 2 times -> '110'
'h': 1 time -> '1110'
'o': 1 time -> '11110'
' ': 1 time -> '111110'
'j': 1 time -> '1111110'
'i': 1 time -> '11111110'

Example Output:

jessie hello

Sample Input  Download

Sample Output  Download



14330 - Book Tracker   


Manage the borrowing status of books in a library. The system will record the borrowing status of each book, including who borrowed the book and its return status. The library can only lend one book at a time, and if a book has already been borrowed, others will not be able to borrow it.


Input multiple lines. Each line contains a borrowing or returning operation, formatted as 'time, name, borrow/return, book'. The operations are recorded in chronological order.

A 'borrow' operation indicates that the person has borrowed a book, while a 'return' operation indicates that the person has returned a book.


Output the borrowing status of each book. ​

  • If the book is currently borrowed, output the borrower's name;
  • if the book is not currently borrowed, output 'In the Library'.

Sample Input  Download

Sample Output  Download

