2967 - 2024GEC1506 - HW2 Scoreboard


2024/03/19 09:00:00 2024/03/31 23:59:00


# Problem Asker Description Reply Replier Reply Time For all team
1 14250 - Meet new friends GEC_112000267 Do the name and nationality can be more than one words? Yes, both name and nationality may be more than 1 word. GEC_1506_Jessie 2024/03/25 14:28:45

# Problem Pass Rate (passed user / total user)
14248 Mugen Train
14250 Meet new friends

14248 - Mugen Train   


One day, Tanjiro took his sister Nezuko, who had turned into a demon, on the Mugen Train. We don't know how many carriages the Mugen Train has. On the train, the siblings got separated. We only know that Tanjiro is in the 1st carriage and Nezuko is in the 3rd carriage from the end.

Today, the Flame Hashira needs to find both of them. Please help him understand the number of people in the 1st carriage, the 3rd carriage from the end, and the total number of people on the train.


Flame Hashira - Kyojuro Rengoku



Multiple lines of input, each line represents the number of people in a carriage, starting from the 1st carriage and ending with the last carriage. The total number of carriages is at least 3.



Print the following three lines:

  • "Number of people in the 1st carriage:  {number} "
  • "Number of people in the 3rd carriage from the end: {number} "
  • "Total number of people on the train: {number} "

Note: Replace {number} with the actual number of people.

Sample Input  Download

Sample Output  Download



14250 - Meet new friends   


Today is the first of the new semester. Jessie wants to know about her new friends. Please help her to organize her new friends' information.


A line of string including name, year of birth and nationality.
My name is {name}.I was born in {year}.I am from {Nationality}.


A list with information in the order of name, age, nationality.
Note: age = this year(2024) - year of birth

Sample Input  Download

Sample Output  Download

