2938 - I2P(I)2023_Hu_MakeUp Scoreboard


2024/01/08 18:30:00 2024/01/08 21:30:00


# Problem Asker Description Reply Replier Reply Time For all team

# Problem Pass Rate (passed user / total user)
13014 Happy A to B
13391 Domo the Train Conductor
14015 Hacker Domo

13014 - Happy A to B   


Let's call a grid 8-puzzle board if the gridsize is 3 x 3 and there is exactly one cell is 'x' and others are '1' or '0'.

In one operation, you can exchange the 'x' cell of a 8-puzzle board with any cell which is adjacent to the 'x' cell. The cell (i, j) is adjacent to the cell (i-1j), (ij-1), (ij+1) and (i+1j).

Now you need to solve T tasks. In each task, you are given two 8-puzzle boards Aand one integer K. You need to answer whether it's possible to make A into B in at most K operations.

Let's take an example. In the first task of Sample, you can make A into B in the following 2 operations:

x 0           0 0 x           0 0 1

1 0 1 ========> 1 0 1 ========> 1 0 x

0 1 1           0 1 1           0 1 1

                exchange (1,3)  exchange (2,3)


The first line contains an integer T (1 ≤ T ≤ 10) – the number of tasks you need to solve.

And for each task, first you are given one integer K (0 ≤ K ≤ 9) – the maximum number of operations you can execute. Then you are given A and B. Both of them are in 3 lines of 3 characters. Please refer to Sample Input.


For each task output "Yes" if it's possible to make A into B in K operations. Otherwise output "No". Then print a newline('\n').

Sample Input  Download

Sample Output  Download



13391 - Domo the Train Conductor   


Domo is a train conductor, he wants to adjust the train he's driving.


There are five instructions below with the description:


1. AddFront num

Add a train carriage with the index num in front of the train.


2. AddBack num

Add a train carriage with the index num in back of the train.


3. Delete num

Delete all the train carriages with the index num from the train. (If the train has no any carriage with the index num, do nothing)


4. DeleteFront

Delete the first element of the train. (If the train is empty, do nothing)


5. Swap

Reverse all train carriages. (If the train is empty, do nothing)


For example:

AddFront 5 makes the train [4, 1] become [5, 4, 1].

AddBack 5 makes the train [4, 1] become [4, 1, 5].

Delete 5 makes the train [5, 4, 1, 5, 3] become [4, 1, 3].

DeleteFront make the train [1, 2, 3, 4] become [2, 3, 4].

Swap makes the train [2, 6, 3] become [3, 6, 2].


The train is empty in the beginning. Given a series of instructions, please print the index of train carriages after all instructions are executed.


This is a partial judge problem, you're asked to implement these 5 functions.


If you get a TLE:

Try to use the pointer head and back wisely, which can make the AddFront and AddBack instructions faster!


If you get an MLE:

Remember to free the nodes you've deleted!



The input consists of multiple instructions (1 ≤ number of instructions ≤ 105)


the index of each instruction is a positive integer and not greater than 102.



The output only consists of a line denoting the train carriage indices after all the instructions.


It's guaranteed that the output consists of at least one carriage.


Sample Input  Download

Sample Output  Download

Partial Judge Code


Partial Judge Header




14015 - Hacker Domo   


Domo is a brilliant dog hacker, he wants to find out the password of your computer.


Your password is a sequence of numbers, generated according to the following rules.


Given the number of N and R, we need to arrange the numbers from 1 to N in a continuous Z pattern, where the side length of Z pattern is R.


Here are examples of Z pattern with length 3, 4, and 5. We need to find out which pattern we need to use first.


Next, sequentially fill the numbers from 1 to N into the Z-pattern, starting from the top-left corner.


For example, the Z pattern seems like below when N = 14 and R = 4.


Finally, output each row from top to bottom.


Here's the password when N = 14 and R = 4.


Help Domo find the password, or he'll start getting angry with you.



The first line consists two number N (1 ≤ N ≤ 104) and R (2 ≤ R ≤ 10)



Output the corresponding password sequence, then print a newline character at the end.


Sample Input  Download

Sample Output  Download

